Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Different Consequences Lives Of The People â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Different Consequences In The Lives Of The People? Answer: Introducation Defining what a family is often highly debated as its explanation and definition have a number of different consequences in the lives of the people. Government agencies define what a family is , this is very important as it determines who will benefit from their programs and who will not. Definition of a family also bears access to resources such as educational, life insurances, recreational and health services. Other definitions also portray he society beliefs of what is acceptable and normal and therefore they show the implication of displaying a deviant behavior. A family is found I many different societies including the state, economy, educational organizations and religious communities. It is, therefore, a universal institution. A family is a group of people who are either connected by marriage or blood. According to George Peter Murdock an American anthropologist, a family is characterized by economic cooperation, common residence, and reproduction. A family includes adults who at least have the sexual relationship that is socially approved and have either their own or adopted children. The most common type of families is nuclear or extended family (Redshaw, Manns and Fleming 2016). A nuclear family according to George is one which comprises of a father, mother, and children. This social grouping is said to be universal. An extended family is mostly an extension of a nuclear family. This can be due to different ways such as polygamous marriages or due to lineages. Most of the society views the family as a principal institution for children socialization. One of the primary functions of the family in the society is reproduction and production of persons socially and biologically. This occurs when there is the sharing of materials and providing nurture and care, sentimental and moral ties, and also the obligation and moral rights (Tucker, Paul, Hobson, Karoff and Gass 2016). There is no formal or official definition of family strengths. People tend to think that it is a set of processes and relationships that protect and support the family members and families especially in times of change and difficulties Family strengths are important in maintaining the cohesiveness of the family and also developing the well-being of individual members of the family. Characteristics of strong families accounting to early studies show that they have marital happiness, the good relationship between the parents and the children, ability to meet family individual needs. Recently studies have also shown that there are different processes that show family strength such as parenting strategies and styles, communication patterns, time use, adaptation to change and crisis and household routines (Shin 2014). Other studies have shown that a strong family is one that can produce itself by bringing up children who will later have stable and harmonious children for themselves. Famil y strength can also be defined as the ability of these families to cope with stress (Sigurdardottir, Warwick and Svavarsdottir 2017). In the healthcare industries, quality care is very important (Hong Han 2015). Family strength is important as it helps individual members in making healthy choices and offering care to their sick relatives. Family strengths bring about social support which enables one to have access to people one can rely on. Family support during stress, the crisis has been shown to play a big impact in the lives of the affected people. For instance, most of the people who have been diagnosed with chronic diseases such as heart failure, diabetes or high blood pressure, family support are very important (Shin 2014). Strong families help the patients and loved ones in remembering their clinic appointments, carry out exercises and take their medications. A strong family can also assist the individuals in practicing a healthy lifestyle that enables one to avoid chronic diseases such as high blood pressure. The family also provides practical support such as childcare support, taking the patient to the d octor or even to the market. In conclusion, the paper has reviewed the concept of family in contemporary society. The paper has also discussed on family strengths and their application in healthcare. In this case, the conclusion of the paper is that family support is imperative in patient recovery. It is also important for healthcare providers to uphold the relationship between patient and their families in order to improve clinical recovery, this can be achieved through listening to the views of the family and taking them seriously. In addition, the patients family should be respected and they should be involved in all the decisions relating to the patient. Therefore, it is important for the healthcare providers to include family support during healthcare delivery in order to improve patient recovery and the time spent in the hospital. Reference List Hong, Y.S., and Han, K.S., 2015. A Structural Equation Model on Family Strength of Married Working Women. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 45(6), pp.900-909. Shin, Y.O., 2014. Middle schoolers recognition of family strength interest of family life contents in technology and home economics (Unpublished masters thesis). Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 1(3) pp 12- 45 Shin, Y.U., 2014.Middle School Student's Perception of Family Strength and Educational Interest of the Unit of Home Life'area'in Technology Home Economics. Korea, 34(13), pp. 340- 500 Sigurdardottir, A.O., Garwick, A.W. and Svavarsdottir, E.K., 2017. The importance of family support in pediatrics and its impact on healthcare satisfaction. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 31(2), pp.241-252. Tucker, A.R., Paul, M., Hobson, J., Karoff, M. and Gass, M., 2016. Outdoor behavioral healthcare: Its impact on family functioning. Journal of Therapeutic Schools and Programs, 8(1), pp.21-40. Redshaw, M., Manns and Fleming, P.J., 2016. Does family-centred neonatal discharge planning reduce healthcare usage? A before and after study in South West England. BMJ open, 6(3), p.e010752.
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