Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Environmental Costs of Hydrofracking
Natural Costs of Hydrofracking Petroleum gas penetrating with high volume level water powered breaking (from this point forward alluded to as fracking) has detonated onto the vitality scene in the last 5 or 6 years, and the guarantee of immense stores of flammable gas under American soil has incited a genuine gaseous petrol surge. When the innovation was grown, new drill rigs showed up all over scenes in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Texas, and Wyoming. Many have stresses over the ecological outcomes of this new way to deal with penetrating; here are a portion of those worries. Drill Cuttings During the boring procedure, a lot of ground up rock, blended in with penetrating mud and salt water, are pulled out of the well and moved off the site. This waste at that point gets covered in landfills. Close to the huge waste volume that should be obliged, a worry with drill cuttings is the nearness of normally happening radioactive materials in them. Radium and uranium can be found in drill cuttings (and created water †see underneath) from an extent of wells, and these components in the end filter out of the landfills into the encompassing ground and surface waters. Water Use When a well has been bored, a lot of water are siphoned into the well at high strain to crack the stone where the flammable gas is found. During a solitary fracking procedure on a solitary well (wells can be fracked on numerous occasions over their lifetime), on normal 4 million gallons of water are utilized. This water is siphoned from streams or waterways and shipped to the site, purchased from civil water sources, or is reused from other fracking activity. Many are worried about these significant water withdrawals, and stressed that it might bring down the water table in certain regions, prompting dry wells and corrupted fish environment. Fracking Chemicals A long, changing rundown of synthetic added substances is added to the water in the fracking procedure. The poisonousness of these added substances is variable, and numerous new synthetic mixes are made during the fracking procedure as a portion of the additional fixings separate. When the fracking water comes back to the surface, it should be treated before removal (see Water Disposal underneath). The measure of synthetic compounds included speaks to an extremely little part of the all out volume of fracking water (around 1%). Notwithstanding, this extremely little division cheapens the way that in total terms it is somewhat huge volumes that are utilized. For a well requiring 4 million gallons of water, around 40,000 gallons of added substances are siphoned in. The most serious dangers related with these synthetic compounds happen during their transportation, as big hauler trucks must utilize the neighborhood streets to carry them to the drill cushions. A mishap included spilled su bstance would have noteworthy open wellbeing and natural consequences.â Water Disposal An enormous extent of the colossal measures of water siphoned down the well streams back up when the well beginnings creating gaseous petrol. Other than the fracking synthetic concoctions, salt water that was normally present in the shale layer returns up, as well. This adds up to an enormous volume of fluid that is discharged into a lined lake, at that point siphoned into trucks and shipped to either be reused for other boring activities, or to be dealt with. This â€Å"produced water†is harmful, containing fracking synthetic concoctions, high groupings of salt, and some of the time radioactive materials like radium and uranium. Overwhelming metals from the shale are of concern as well: delivered water will contain lead, arsenic, barium, and strontium for instance. Spills from bombed maintenance lakes or messed up moves to trucks do occur and affect nearby streams and wetlands. At that point, the water removal process isn't unimportant. One strategy is infusion wells. Squander water is infused into the ground at incredible profundities under impermeable stone layers. The incredibly high weight utilized in this procedure is accused for seismic tremor swarms in Texas, Oklahoma, and Ohio. The second way fracking waste water can be discarded is in modern wastewater treatment plants. There have been issues with insufficient medicines at Pennsylvania metropolitan water treatment plants, so practice has now finished and just affirmed modern treatment plants can be utilized. Packaging Leaks The profound wells utilized in even hydrofracking are fixed with steel housings. Here and there these housings fall flat, permitting fracking synthetic substances, brackish waters, or flammable gas to escape into the shallower rock layers and seriously polluting ground water that may arrive at the outside of be utilized for drinking water. A case of this issue, archived by the Environmental Protection Agency, is the Pavillion (Wyoming) groundwater pollution case.â Ozone harming substances and Climate Change Methane is a significant segment of petroleum gas, and a ground-breaking ozone harming substance. Methane can spill from harmed housings, well heads, or it might be vented during certain periods of a fracking activity. Joined, these breaks have critical negative effects on the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide outflows from consuming flammable gas are a lot of lower, per amount of vitality delivered, than from consuming oil or coal. Flammable gas would then appear to be a sensibly decent option in contrast to more CO2 escalated fills. The issue is that all through the whole creation pattern of gaseous petrol, a lot of methane is discharged, invalidating a few or the entirety of the environmental change focal points petroleum gas appeared to have over coal. Continuous exploration will ideally give answers with regards to which is least harming, however there is no uncertainty that mining and consuming petroleum gas produces incredible measures of ozone depleting substances and in this way adds to worldwide environmental change. Territory Fragmentation Well cushions, get to streets, squander water lakes, and pipelines jumble the scene in flammable gas delivering districts. This pieces the scene, diminishing the size of untamed life environment patches, disconnecting them from each other, and adding to negative edge living space. Fringe Aspects Fracking for petroleum gas in flat wells is a costly procedure that must be done financially at high thickness, industrializing the scene. Emanations and clamor from diesel trucks and blower stations impactsly affect the nearby air quality and by and large personal satisfaction. Fracking requires a lot of hardware and materials which themselves are mined or delivered at high ecological expenses, eminently steel and frac sand. Ecological Benefits? At the neighborhood scale, the land impression from fracking activities, particularly once the well has been set up and the drill rig is gone, is littler than that of coal strip mines, peak evacuation mines, or tar sands fields. The impression of thousands of wells and pipeline right-of-ways over a whole locale do include, though.Natural gas from Marcellus, Barnett, or other North American shale stores permits us to depend on a local wellspring of energy.â That implies less vitality spent shipping non-renewable energy sources from abroad, and all the more critically keeping up the capacity to have stricter ecological powers over the whole vitality creation process. Source Duggan-Haas, D., R.M. Ross, and W.D. Allmon. 2013. The Science Beneath the Surface: A Very Short Guide to the Marcellus Shale. Paleontological Research Institute.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Simple Japanese Phrases
Basic Japanese Phrases  This is an assortment of simple Japanese expressions. Communicating in Japanese shouldnt be excessively confused in any event, for learners. Attempt these basic expressions at whatever point you get an opportunity. The more you practice, the better you get! The Japanese works for each expression are incorporated for your perusing and composing practice. On the off chance that you have any inquiries, pleaseâ email me. For your benefit I have broken the expressions into three segments. Kindly look down to see all segments. Level 1 * Question Words*  Responding*  Responding in Agreement Part1*  Responding in Agreement Part2*  Disagreement Responses*  Refusal*  Request/Command*  Unfavorable Responses*  Praising Appearance*  Praising Characteristics*  Praising Intelligence*  Emergency*  Useful Expressions*  Useful Adjectives*  Basic Verbs*  Useful AdverbsLevel 2 * Greetings* Partings* Asking How* Various Questions Part 1* Various Questions Part 2* Responding in Agreement Part 1* Responding in Agreement Part 2* Disagreement Responses* Refusal* Command* Command (Dont ~)* Encouragement* Surprise* Happiness* Anger* Sadness* Weather* Useful Expressions - At the Restaurant* Useful Expressions - Shopping* Useful Expressions - At a Party Level 3 * Greetings* Various Questions Part 1* Various Questions Part 2* Responding in Agreement* Disagreement Responses* Refusal* Permissions* Command* Common Expressions for the Unknown* Exclamatory Expressions* Expressions of Disappointment* Asking Permissions* Happiness* Anger* Weather* Useful Expressions - At the Restaurant* Useful Expressions - Paying the Bills* Useful Expressions - At a Party/Celebration* Useful Expressions - At the Hotel* Meeting a Famous Japanese Person
Friday, August 21, 2020
Can Art Therapy Help My Troubled Teen
Can Art Therapy Help My Troubled Teen Psychotherapy Print Can Art Therapy Help My Troubled Teen? By Kathryn Rudlin, LCSW Updated on January 19, 2020 JGI / Tom Grill / Getty Images More in Psychotherapy Online Therapy Art therapy uses materials such as paint, oil pastels, markers, clay or crayons as a means of self-expression. The process of working with the materials and creating a final product helps troubled teens gain self-understanding, learn better coping methods and work through problems. Art therapy can be used for many problems that teenagers face and it can even be used to reach the toughest of teens. What Is Art Therapy? Art therapists are specially trained in both psychological and artistic principles. This training directs them in choosing the materials and focus appropriate to a teens specific needs. In art therapy sessions, a teen is asked to use the materials to develop art around a certain idea. For example, teens may be asked to create: A portrait of how they think others see themPaint what their sadness feels likeA photo collage about their feelings from magazine clippingsSculpt their family from clayMake a mask that helps them feel more secure when talking about their problemsA visual journal as an alternative way to express their feelings daily In some instances, the teen may also be asked to participate in group art therapy sessions. Why Art Therapy May Help Troubled Teens This therapeutic approach appeals to many teens as a way to externalize their inner world. A teen does not need to have any artistic talent to benefit from this approach. The therapist does not interpret the final product. It is up to the teen to share and talk about whatever information they choose. In this type of specialized therapy, the focus is on the process of creating and, to a lesser extent, on the final product. The teen is encouraged to: Verbalize during the process of creatingComment on their reactions to the final product Creating is the primary initial focus, increased self-understanding usually comes later. Art therapy programs are offered in most residential programs for teens and are also available on an outpatient basis. Advantages of Art Therapy Traditional individual therapy can feel like cross-examination to some teens. Others dont express themselves well verbally. In some cases, a teens problems are too painful or complicated to put into words. As a type of expressive therapy, art therapy works very well with some teens because it is: Non-threatening with less of a direct focus on the teen.A safe outlet for expressing what they are feeling inside.A process over which the teen feels a sense of control.The session is both interesting and creative.A way to discover underlying thoughts and feelings.Easier to develop a strong relationship with the therapist. For some teens, art is a better language to communicate than talking. Because this is an attractive type of therapy for teens, they are more likely to continue to participate and stick with the process until the problems improve.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Overview of Social Phenomenology
Social phenomenology is an approach within the field of sociology that aims to reveal what role human awareness plays in the production of social action, social situations and social worlds. In essence, phenomenology is the belief that society is a human construction. Phenomenology was originally developed by a German mathematician named Edmund Husserl in the early 1900s in order to locate the sources or essences of reality in the human consciousness. It wasn’t until the 1960s that it entered the field of sociology by Alfred Schutz, who sought to provide a philosophical foundation for Max Weber’s interpretive sociology. He did this by applying the phenomenological philosophy of Husserl to the study of the social world. Schutz postulated that it is subjective meanings that give rise to an apparently objective social world. He argued that people depend upon language and the â€Å"stock of knowledge†they have accumulated to enable social interaction. All social interaction requires that individuals characterize others in their world, and their stock of knowledge helps them with this task. The central task in social phenomenology is to explain the reciprocal interactions that take place during human action, situational structuring, and reality construction. That it, phenomenologists seek to make sense of the relationships between action, situation, and reality that take place in society. Phenomenology does not view any aspect as causal, but rather views all dimensions as fundamental to all others. Application Of Social Phenomenology One classic application of social phenomenology was done by Peter Berger and Hansfried Kellner in 1964 when they examined the social construction of marital reality. According to their analysis, marriage brings together two individuals, each from different lifeworlds, and puts them into such close proximity to each other that the lifeworld of each is brought into communication with the other. Out of these two different realities emerges one marital reality, which then becomes the primary social context from which that individual engages in social interactions and functions in society. Marriage provides a new social reality for people, which is achieved mainly through conversations with their spouse in private. Their new social reality is also strengthened through the couple’s interaction with others outside of the marriage. Over time a new marital reality will emerge that will contribute to the formation of new social worlds within which each spouse would function.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Evaluation Of The And Modeling Approach - 3404 Words
2. Operations Research (OR) Overview of the OR Modeling Approach 1. Carefully observing and formulating the problem, gathering all relevant data - Crucial, because affects relevance of the conclusions (it’s difficult to extract a right answer from the wrong problem) 2. Constructing a mathematical model to abstract the essence of the real problem - Decision variables: x1, x2, †¦, xn - Objective function: P (profit) = 3x1 + 2x2 + †¦ + 5xn - Constraints: x1 + 3x1x2 + 2x2, ≠¤ 10 restrictions on the values to decision variables - Parameters: the constants (namely, the coefficients and right-hand sides) in the constraints and objective function - Sensitivity analysis: analysis of changes in the solution depending on the values of parameters,†¦show more content†¦Testing the model and refine it as needed - Retrospective test use historical data to determine how well the model and the resulting solution would have performed if they had been used, and using alternative solutions from the model on it predicts the relative effects of alternative courses of actions 6. Prepare for the ongoing application of the model as prescribed by management - Databases and management information systems may provide up-to-date input for the model each time it is used, in which case interface programs are needed - Decision support system is installed to help managers use data and models to support (rather than replace) their decision making as needed 7. Implementing the system - Support of upper management (feedback) - Training for personnel who will use the system Introduction to Linear Programming Graphical method (especially for two decision variables only, but also possible for three) - feasible region is the region of the graphic where the solutions (considering the constraints) can be, that is, the set of permissible values for the decision variables Standard Form of the Model - there are functional constraints (or structural constraints) and non negativity constraints (or non-negativity conditions) -
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Insider Secret on Good Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics Exposed
The Insider Secret on Good Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics Exposed Good Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics Fundamentals Explained To settle on a topic, you want to locate a category or an essay kind and see the list of themes. Selecting an emotional topic is also a great idea. You're a true topic enthusiast! Persuasive essays are a fantastic means to encourage the reader to check at a particular topic in a different light. On our site, you can locate many suggestions for themes for an argumentative essay. Selecting an excellent topic for your essay is among the most significant and frequently tricky parts for many students. So locating the most effective persuasive essay topics is critical. It's important to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering an idea that might be a huge deal to another person. Researching the topic permits you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you really like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's vital to at all times be critically contemplating the world around us. Choosing topics for argumentative essays is essential for your general success. Any idea can prove to be a terrific foundation for a topic. At precisely the same time, it's a wonderful persuasive essay idea. When you're picking your topic, bear in mind that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a good deal about it. There are many intriguing topics that could be become a persuasive essay if you take the opportunity to consider about doing it. It is crucial to get started with demonstrating the major idea of the entire piece so you and your readers are going to be on the exact page. Apparently, you shouldn't purposely select a topic that will bore your audience. Good Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics Features Usually, it doesn't include references and quotes in it. Thus, it's important to read corresponding formatting guide. The topic has to be interesting, the topic has to be essential and finally the topic has to be informative. Quite frequently, the very best topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get ready to research it. The Good Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics Game Moreover, in-text citations will present your awareness of the various papers formats. You should be able to use persuasive language. When you are finished with your essay, you must not just check it for spelling and grammatical errors, but nevertheless, it also has to be checked for logical fallacies. To loc ate argumentative essay topics easy on various platforms, you want to comprehend about the argumentative essay. You are able to also restate the ideas which you've discussed in the body paragraphs in order to make your point valid. The shortage of fantastic support sources will end in a decrease grade. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics since you need opposing points you can counter to your own points. All individuals ought to be allowed to receive free high education. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Good Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics For instance, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing viewpoint. When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the most essential matter to do is to select a topic and an argument you can really get behind. You want to set up facts, possess the confidence and demonstrate the very clear evidence of your private viewpoint to certain phenomenon. Even whenever you're stating your perspective, make sure you do not come off as biased. You don't need to acquire super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make sure you do your homework on what the recent laws about your favorite topic actually say. Facts, finally, will always win out against how folks are feeling at a specific moment. There are those who do not support such decisions.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Different Consequences Lives Of The People â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Different Consequences In The Lives Of The People? Answer: Introducation Defining what a family is often highly debated as its explanation and definition have a number of different consequences in the lives of the people. Government agencies define what a family is , this is very important as it determines who will benefit from their programs and who will not. Definition of a family also bears access to resources such as educational, life insurances, recreational and health services. Other definitions also portray he society beliefs of what is acceptable and normal and therefore they show the implication of displaying a deviant behavior. A family is found I many different societies including the state, economy, educational organizations and religious communities. It is, therefore, a universal institution. A family is a group of people who are either connected by marriage or blood. According to George Peter Murdock an American anthropologist, a family is characterized by economic cooperation, common residence, and reproduction. A family includes adults who at least have the sexual relationship that is socially approved and have either their own or adopted children. The most common type of families is nuclear or extended family (Redshaw, Manns and Fleming 2016). A nuclear family according to George is one which comprises of a father, mother, and children. This social grouping is said to be universal. An extended family is mostly an extension of a nuclear family. This can be due to different ways such as polygamous marriages or due to lineages. Most of the society views the family as a principal institution for children socialization. One of the primary functions of the family in the society is reproduction and production of persons socially and biologically. This occurs when there is the sharing of materials and providing nurture and care, sentimental and moral ties, and also the obligation and moral rights (Tucker, Paul, Hobson, Karoff and Gass 2016). There is no formal or official definition of family strengths. People tend to think that it is a set of processes and relationships that protect and support the family members and families especially in times of change and difficulties Family strengths are important in maintaining the cohesiveness of the family and also developing the well-being of individual members of the family. Characteristics of strong families accounting to early studies show that they have marital happiness, the good relationship between the parents and the children, ability to meet family individual needs. Recently studies have also shown that there are different processes that show family strength such as parenting strategies and styles, communication patterns, time use, adaptation to change and crisis and household routines (Shin 2014). Other studies have shown that a strong family is one that can produce itself by bringing up children who will later have stable and harmonious children for themselves. Famil y strength can also be defined as the ability of these families to cope with stress (Sigurdardottir, Warwick and Svavarsdottir 2017). In the healthcare industries, quality care is very important (Hong Han 2015). Family strength is important as it helps individual members in making healthy choices and offering care to their sick relatives. Family strengths bring about social support which enables one to have access to people one can rely on. Family support during stress, the crisis has been shown to play a big impact in the lives of the affected people. For instance, most of the people who have been diagnosed with chronic diseases such as heart failure, diabetes or high blood pressure, family support are very important (Shin 2014). Strong families help the patients and loved ones in remembering their clinic appointments, carry out exercises and take their medications. A strong family can also assist the individuals in practicing a healthy lifestyle that enables one to avoid chronic diseases such as high blood pressure. The family also provides practical support such as childcare support, taking the patient to the d octor or even to the market. In conclusion, the paper has reviewed the concept of family in contemporary society. The paper has also discussed on family strengths and their application in healthcare. In this case, the conclusion of the paper is that family support is imperative in patient recovery. It is also important for healthcare providers to uphold the relationship between patient and their families in order to improve clinical recovery, this can be achieved through listening to the views of the family and taking them seriously. In addition, the patients family should be respected and they should be involved in all the decisions relating to the patient. Therefore, it is important for the healthcare providers to include family support during healthcare delivery in order to improve patient recovery and the time spent in the hospital. Reference List Hong, Y.S., and Han, K.S., 2015. A Structural Equation Model on Family Strength of Married Working Women. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 45(6), pp.900-909. Shin, Y.O., 2014. Middle schoolers recognition of family strength interest of family life contents in technology and home economics (Unpublished masters thesis). Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 1(3) pp 12- 45 Shin, Y.U., 2014.Middle School Student's Perception of Family Strength and Educational Interest of the Unit of Home Life'area'in Technology Home Economics. Korea, 34(13), pp. 340- 500 Sigurdardottir, A.O., Garwick, A.W. and Svavarsdottir, E.K., 2017. The importance of family support in pediatrics and its impact on healthcare satisfaction. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 31(2), pp.241-252. Tucker, A.R., Paul, M., Hobson, J., Karoff, M. and Gass, M., 2016. Outdoor behavioral healthcare: Its impact on family functioning. Journal of Therapeutic Schools and Programs, 8(1), pp.21-40. Redshaw, M., Manns and Fleming, P.J., 2016. Does family-centred neonatal discharge planning reduce healthcare usage? A before and after study in South West England. BMJ open, 6(3), p.e010752.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Atlanta essays
Atlanta essays There is a city with many attractions that are both entertaining and educational. One of which is an amusement park with ten roller coasters with names such as Dj vu and Superman-The Ultimate Flight. Although, on the educational side of things there is also a Congress Center and a Civil War Museum within the city limits. In this city you can get free soda at the Coca-Cola factory and learn how soda is made at the SciTrek. After that, you can party with Braves, Falcons, and Thrashers. If you have not guessed it by now, I am referring to the city of Atlanta, Georgia. Today, I will talk to you about Centennial Olympic Park, CNN Center, and Underground Atlanta which are three landmarks in the unique city of Atlanta. The first landmark on our journey through Atlanta is the historic Centennial Olympic Park. The Park boasts a variety of free, fun-filled family activities throughout the year. These activities include Family Fun Days, a Fourth of July Celebration, and a Holiday in Lights Festival complete with an ice skating rink, fountain shows, and much more. This downtown Atlanta gathering place is also a lasting legacy to the 1996 Olympic Games. It has granite from each of the five continents represented in the Games, and sources from the parks official website tell us that 800,000 bricks were used in the construction of the park. The Park is also home to The Fountain of Rings, which is the worlds largest interactive fountain. It utilizes the Olympic symbol of five interconnecting rings. Centennial Olympic Park is very special to the city of Atlanta because of the way it was constructed, its year-round entertainment, and its majestic fountain. Next, just across Marietta Street is CNN Center. When most visitors come to the center they go on the Studio Tour, which the official CNN website tells us can be broken down into four basic parts. The first part of the to...
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Extensive Manual on Classic English Literature Research Paper
Extensive Manual on Classic English Literature Research Paper When you’re writing an essay on literature, you use more the skills of a reader. Of course, there has to be some analysis present, deep enough to answer the main question. But that’s the farthest it goes. With the classic English literature research paper, reading skills play a secondary role while your critical and analytical thinking is the main instrument to prove the thesis statement. However, that’s not all. When you choose some literary work to focus on in a research paper, you study it inside and out – you know when it was created and in which circumstances; you explore who supports or opposes the ideas presented in the text; you participate in a discussion that can continue for years and do your best to contribute to it. And that’s the beauty of academic exploration, especially when you are really enthusiastic about getting to the heart of the matter. Here, in this article, you will find out how to write a classic English literature research paper properly and find all the information necessary for literature research paper writing. So, make yourself comfortable and enjoy! How to Conduct a Research for a Literature Paper The research is not all about typing your topic in the Google search bar and flicking through some articles that pop up in the first results. That looks more like choosing a new cafà © to go with your friends to or looking for a gym with affordable prices. If you wish to produce a profound academic paper, you need to prepare a significant base which usually depends on the quality of the initial research. And in order not to make a blunder from the first steps, search for information in the right places which are: MLA International Bibliography. This is an online extensive database with about 3 million works on language and literature. It is regularly updated by the scientist and researchers from all over the world to keep it spot-on. It can be accessed through either your university or library websites. JSTOR. This search engine has a smaller database on literature, but offers more intricate search options – in the MLA bibliography you can search only the titles while the JSTOR gives a chance to search the text. John Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory Criticism: This is actually a book that was published in 2004. But an online equivalent lets you search its content by keywords. Its peculiarities is that there are essays and works written by 275 literature scholars, and that’s already a solid reason to consult it. University Library: it is always a good idea to look through the resources of your college/university library. Firstly, there may be relevant academic papers written by the professors from your educational establishment, and if you use them in your research, you will certainly benefit from it. Secondly, there may be a dedicated department for your topic/field of studies. These sources will help you to spot high quality and reliable information without the need to go through hundreds of meaningless articles and waste the precious time. And it’s always best to use them all together because this way you’ll get a broad overview of the scope you deal with in your research. The next step after gathering all the links and books is to process the information. To get the most out of it, it is best to: Read through all the sources in search of relevant data. Mark arguments and statements that spark your interest or any other emotion. Note down everything that comes to your mind during reading – interesting passages, ideas, questions – literally everything, and don’t forget to indicate the places you quote or get your ideas from. Pay attention to conclusions as they contain the essence of every article or book. Define the terms that you don’t know or don’t understand as they can change your perception and the direction of thoughts. Perceive dead ends like challenges – it is quite common that you sift through the sources and find nothing (as it may seem to you). The truth is that you broaden your knowledge of the topic without noticing, and you should just keep researching. Keep these little tips in mind while surfing through the data you’ve gathered. 6 Tips on How to Develop a Working Thesis Statement for a Literature Research Paper A thesis statement is a final destination of your literature research paper. It takes only one sentence, but defines the whole course of your exploration, so it’s necessary to understand the importance of its correct formulation. It is usually included in the end of the introduction and mentioned as a keynote though the whole paper. So, in order to create a provable and valuable thesis statement, you might want to: Avoid summarizing. You should state a specific goal you want to achieve within your research without retelling the plot of a literary work in focus. Answer the questions â€Å"What?†and â€Å"Why?†. What kind of claim are you stating and why should the readers care about it? Make it controversial. Simple and obvious statements don’t need any proving, so make sure your sentence sparks some stirring. Find proofs in the text. Your main argument should be supported and reflected in the text. Otherwise, your supervisor might consider it pulled out from the hat and pointless. Refrain from using vague language. If you want to research the negative consequences consequences of Hamlet’s actions, write it in plain words without any filler text. Add your further course of actions (optional). You may also include how you are going to prove the thesis statement and which aspects you will cover. Despite the fact that this is only one sentence, you must allot a considerable amount of time to work it out. Every word in a thesis statement should be carefully chosen and considered, and the whole sentence should state a complete thought. The last, but not the least – don’t use phrases like â€Å"In my view†or â€Å"I think†in your thesis statement because it will make your words less persuasive and create an impression that you don’t have enough evidence to prove your point. So, be attentive about how you lay out your opinions. The Optimal Structure of an English Literature Research Paper With research papers of any kind it is necessary to remember that everything goes from generalization at the beginning, then to more specific points reaching its climax in the middle, and in conclusion again to more general things. The usual structure of a literature research paper includes: Abstract This part can be one hell of a task because you must squeeze the essence of your whole piece in just 200 words mentioning the main questions, research methods, goals, and discussion. It is essential to remember that the abstract is the first thing everybody will read, thus it will be a point of decision for a reader whether to continue or not. The importance of this part is immense, so you might want to dedicate enough of your time to refine it to perfection. Introduction This is also a significant part of a research paper and it can be regarded as an extended version of an abstract. Here you will need to explain in detail why you’ve decided to take up this kind of research (personal interest, unexplored leads, incorrect perception, etc.) and where it will head throughout the whole piece. Also, don’t forget to communicate a message that your research is really important to the chosen field of studies and provide decent reasons to prove it. The introduction that contains all this information will certainly create a positive impression. Method Do you use analysis or synthesis to research your topic? Have you conducted a survey? What other kinds of methods do you apply to explore the subject matter? All the answers to these questions and things concerning how your research is done should be included in this part. Results Here you need to lay out what you have discovered while proving your thesis statement. This can be figures, statistics, graphs, tables or just plain words that present your findings. It is not necessary to elaborate on them because you will need to do that in the discussion part. Discussion The discussion has to be connected with the thesis statement as well as the whole introduction because here you need to dwell upon not only the results of the research, but also on the aims you have achieved. This chapter must also include the importance of your findings and your own interpretations of the results. Conclusion The conclusion must discuss the connection between your findings and other researches as well as present the perspectives of the further studies. And besides restating your introduction, you can also suggest some improvements to your own research – that would be a good addition to a final chapter. Bibliography There is no paper out there that will be complete without the reference list. Gather all your sources, format your citations according to the chosen style and voila! The writing part is finished! This is an overview of a typical literature research paper structure. But, of course, there can be different variations. So, don’t hesitate to consult with your advisor/supervisor on which elements exactly you need to include and which you can omit. General Writing Guidelines to Improve Your Academic Style We would like to top up our extensive manual on literature research writing with some general writing tips that will be useful both for literary papers and other academic entries. So, here we go: Include opinions that disagree with you together with critical interpretations – they will make your paper more interesting as well as stronger because this will show that you are confident enough in your theory and aren’t afraid of opposing views. Constantly check with your plan/outline because you can easily wander off to the unnecessary direction; unplanned writings can distract you from the main point and waste some of your precious time. Write your introduction while writing the main part of the paper – it will help you to keep it updated and release you from the necessity to rewrite it over and over again. Don’t focus too much on mistakes and punctuation. It is better to dedicate a separate session during which all you attention will be focused on tracking errors and inconsistencies. Separate editing sessions taking into account their purpose. If you want to check grammar, spend an hour or two looking purely for grammar errors. If you wish to review the punctuation, allot time specifically for this matter. These classic English literature research paper writing tips, besides our detailed descriptions of the structure, research process and thesis statement, will make it possible to produce a complete and fully-featured research paper on literature. Just make sure that you spend enough time on each stage of writing – don’t postpone everything to the last month before the deadline because there won’t be any hours for planning and researching so essential to create a great academic piece. So, choose the topic that interests you, follow our guidelines and make all the necessary preparations. This way everything will go smoothly. Writing Hacks from Our Experts: Change the font of your research paper. After finishing the writing part you will get used to how your piece looks and may miss some mistakes just because your eyes will not notice them. But if you change the font, it will create an illusion as if you’re reading a paper written by someone else, and it will be easier to detect mistakes, especially the spelling ones. Always read the biography of the author who created the literary work you concentrate on and research the circumstances in which it was written. These details may help you understand the writer’s arguments better and your perception might change completely! Dedicate one paragraph to one point. Despite the obvious nature of this rule, most students forget about it and try to squeeze as much information in one paragraph as possible. So, be attentive here not to follow the steps of the majority.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Social Intelligence Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Social Intelligence - Assignment Example In my case, I would consider my dressing sense as one of the attributing factors to my professional presence. I would always wear formal clothes to work with sober yet pleasant color combinations. The reason I am motivated to dress professionally is to send across an implicit message to my colleagues and clients that I am serious and dedicated to my work. This has a reflective effect, in that their communication toward me also becomes more professional. I have also attuned my workplace behavior to enhance my professional presence. Replying to emails and telephone calls at the earliest possible time is a habit I have tried hard to inculcate. I also pay a lot of attention to detail so that my competence is reflected in my work. By working to enhance my professional presence, I am set to achieve both personal and team goals. While the image I create of myself has ramifications for my career prospects and growth, they also help improve the image of the organization at large. Hence there is a symbiotic benefit to be exploited thus. 2. Albrecht discusses the importance of authenticity in Social Intelligence. Summarize the key points that he makes in our text concerning authenticity. In your opinion, why do you believe that authenticity is important to SI and in particular, with leadership? Albrecht explains ‘authenticity’ as the opposite of being phony. The implication being that an employee will have to be honest with himself and his behavior should reflect the personal value system he has adopted. Authenticity is a particularly important quality for a business leader, for those working under him look up to him as a role model. A leader will also function as a wise counselor to those employees who are in need of guidance. In such scenarios, the role of a business leader turns into one of a mentor.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
1. Leadership and Transformation 2. Reflective Journal Assignment
1. Leadership and Transformation 2. Reflective Journal - Assignment Example My transformation has significantly been impacted by this unit. I have realized that a leader should be someone who acts as a role model to other members of his team. Thus, my focus has been to come up with effective strategies that encompass the contribution of all the team members. In this way, I have modeled them in such a way that once they attain a position of becoming a leader they will also create a strong team (Hemphill, 1949). Based on my objective of creating a strong team work, my communication with members of my team has always been open. This implies that I provide my team members with opportunities to provide feedback. In this way, I have been transformed from talking too much to a good listener (Schultz, et al. 2010). In this way, other members of the team can comment and possibly give an idea on how to address a certain issue either affecting the entire team or an individual member (Robert, 2002). As indicated in this unit, a good leader should recognize and reward ha rdworking team members who attain their goals. Individually, I have been transformed in the sense that I can set my own goal as well as those of the other team members (House, 1971). I promote and reward any member who achieves his or her goals while those who do not perform I train them on how to undertake their duties. As a leader, the transformational experience will influence me as a leader and a manager in various ways. First, my management strategy will now be democratic. In this way, I will be in a position to provide my team members with ample ground whereby they will be part and parcel of the organization (Montana and Bruce, 2008). Another aspect that I will emulate as a manager is to provide the team members with an opportunity to develop (Lussier and Achua, 2010). Apart from allowing them to attend part time leadership courses, I will initiate an in
Monday, January 27, 2020
Fate in Death of a Salesman
Fate in Death of a Salesman Abstract Death of a Salesman is a tragedy written by American playwright Arthur Miller. It describes a story about Willy Loman whose American dreams shattered and eventually he lost his life for it. Willy Lomans tragic experience reveals the conflicts between the individual, the family and social values of the United States. Miller tells us that we should not be misled by the money worship; otherwise we will become victims of commodity wrong values. This paper will analyze the tragic fate of Willy Loman from four different perspectives: inaccurate self-evaluation, incompetent role-player in family, wrong outlooks on values and being a victim of the American Dream, hoping to inspire and enlighten the readers from the tragic fate of Willy Loman and to find our real selves in the complicated and changeable world. 1. Introduction 1.1 Arthur Miller Arthur Miller was one of the most distinguished dramatists of the twentieth century. He was born in Jewish family in New York on October 17th 1915. As his fathers business failed during the Depression and the family suddenly became poor, Miller had to discontinue his studies and go to work to earn his university fees after he finished high school. He worked various jobs, such as a truck driver, a waiter, a farmhand, etc. Through these jobs, he saw the injustice of the capitalist system and understood the hard life of workers. The personal experiences provided him with firsthand knowledge about the lower class when he came to write plays and fiction. Through Millers career, he wrote lots of valuable masterpieces which contributed a lot to the American theater, ranging from All My Sons (1947) to Death of a Salesman (1949), from The Crucible (1953) to A View from Bridge (1955), from After the Fall (1964) to Broken Glasses (1994). Miller continually addressed several distinct but related issues in both his dramatic and contemporary writings: the form of tragedy applicable to modern times and contemporary characters, the individuals relationship to society, and family relations, particularly interactions between fathers and sons (à ©Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ®Ã‚ ¶Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ®, 2007: 421). He criticized the social problems sharply and at the same time showed his compassion to the common people living at the foot of the society ladder. He has influenced many younger American dramatists, such as Edward Albee, August Wilson, and David Mamet. Miller is a major pioneer in the development of American theater alongside Eugene ONeil and Tennessee Williams, and Death of a Salesman is his important work. The play suggested new theatrical possibilities with its unique blend of realism and expressionism, as well as offering a challenge to previous definitions of tragedy (Susan C.W., 2007: 71). 1.2 The plot of Death of a Salesman Death of a Salesman is one of the best three plays with Eugene ONeils Long Days Journey into night and Tennessee Williamss A Street Car Named Desire. After it staged in 1949, it ran for 742 performances on Broadway. It won important awards, including the New York Drama Critics Circle Best Play, Pulitzer Prize for Drama and Tony Award for Best Play. The play presents the tragedy of a common person, Willy Loman, an aging travelling salesman who is working for the Wagner Company. After having labored for thirty-four years for that firm, he is fired by Howard Wagner, the head of the company, because he is too old to sell products to make profits for the company. But he is still in debt, so he and his wife are struggling to pay the bills while his two sons are not helpful. Willys two goals throughout his life have been to be popular and have his own company, but they havent come true. Biff, a habitual thief, and Happy, a self-deluded guy, have failed to fulfill their fathers dream of achi evement. Reviewing his life, he is forced to confront its futility and failure. He kills himself in a planned car accident, hoping to provide Biff with twenty thousand dollars from the life insurance company to start his store. The play has profound social significance, because it is from the real life and authentically reflects the tragedy of common man in America (à ¥Ã‚ †¢Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ »Ã‚ £Ãƒ §Ã‚  à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’2008). 1.3 Purpose of the paper Willy Lomans tragic experience shows the conflicts between the individual, the family and social values of the United States. Miller tells us that we should not be misled by the money worship; otherwise we will become victims of commodity wrong values. In materialistic society, People tend to ignore the cruel reality. Their cravings for material things seem never satisfied. People cannot distinguish reality and illusion. Inevitably, this will causes contradictions between individual, family and society and eventually brings about peoples downfall, like Willy Loman in the play. According to this phenomenon, this paper will analyze the tragic fate of Willy Loman from four different perspectives: inaccurate self-evaluation, incompetent role-player in family, wrong outlooks on values and being a victim of the American Dream, hoping to inspire and enlighten the readers from the tragic fate of Willy Loman and to find our real selves in the complicated and changeable world. 2. Literature Review Death of a Salesman is written in realistic dialogue about ordinary people. It is based in large part on the experiences of Millers family during the Depression and his passionate belief in the honor of work and the difficulties of living the American dream. After its opening in Broadway, response to the play was tremendous; audiences and critics had been attracted. The criticism on Death of a Salesman came from the anti-communist movement known as McCarthyism,but the larger part of comments are praises. Robert Coleman of the Daily Mirror called the play emotional dynamite and reported that sobs were heard throughout the auditorium, and handkerchiefs were kept busy wiping away tears (Robert Coleman, 1949:360). Brooks Atkinson declared it superb, commenting on its poetry and calling it a wraith-like tragedy (Brooks Atkinson, 1949:27). Richard Watts asserted that under the director, Elia Kazens vigorous and perceptive direction, Death of a Salesman emerges as easily the best and most i mportant new American play of the year (Richard Watts, 1949:359). Yes, Death of a Salesman is a significant masterpiece of the American play. In theme, the play criticizes the role of capitalism in American society and condemns human nature with pity and sorrow. In technique, Miller broke out of the realistic confinements of time, space and psychology, with the innovative interweaving of the past with the present and of events inside Willys mind with those outside, which merges elements of both realism and expressionism(à ©Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ®Ã‚ ¶Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ®Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’2007:423). Compared to traditional tragedy, Loman, as a protagonist, is neither upper class nor very intelligence. But he still manages to strike an emotional chord. He has a faulty vision of what makes a person successful, which makes him flawed, but regardless of the opposition and the ultimate cost to himself, he refuses to give up that vision, which makes him, in Millers eyes, a tragic hero. A man of his time, Loman bears realistic and far-reaching significance and connotation. In Contemporary American drama:a study in the plays of Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller and Edward A, Singh Abha comments that Willy Loman, the salesman, is a typical embodiment of modern business morality, but he is also a more universal figureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Like the great tragic figures of Sophocles and Shakespeare, Millers Willy is both an individual and a type (Singh, Abha, 1998: 70-71). Furthermore, Loman has attracted international audiences and continues to interest them to the present day. Theater scholar Brenda Murphy talks about the ease with which audiences all over the world have understood and sympathized with the plight of Willy Loman, and have grasped the issues of the play (Brenda Murphy, 1995:126). No doubt, the play attracts numerous audiences and critics. Whereas, the common audience are seriously concerned about the fate of Willy and are melt into tears for this tragedy of an everyman. In china, based on my survey on the domestic journals from 1979 to 2009, there are above 22 articles studying on Willy Lomans tragic fate in Death of a Salesman. Different critics have their own views. Wang Yan, from Shandong University, considers that Lomans tragedy is caused by the conflict of his dream and the reality. Zhu Yaning, from Foreign Languages Department of Henan Mechanical College, views that the disillusionment of American Dream leads to Lomans tragedy. W ang Dongmei, from Foreign Languages Department of Liaoning Technical University, regards that Lomans fate is caused by his own personality distortion. Wang Hong, from Huainan Normal College analyzes Willy Lomans fate from the respect of family factors. But for me, inaccurate self-evaluation, incompetent role-player in family, wrong outlooks on values and being a victim of the American Dream resulted in Willy Lomans tragedy. 3. Analysis of Willy Lomans Fate Willy Lomans whole life seems to have been a sellout; his sons have turned out badly, and his relationship with Biff has soured. Disappointedly, Willy chooses to end his life with expectation that his death could exchange for his sons success. The quasi-resolution that his suicide offers him represents only a partial discovery of the truth. He fails to grasp the true personal, emotional, spiritual understanding of himself. His name provides insights. Compared to William, Willy is a childish version indicating an intrinsic immaturity in his nature. He is too driven by his own willy-ness or perverse willfulness to recognize the slanted reality that his desperate mind has forged. Loman has been read as indicating Willy to be a low-man, common and insignificant. From the insights of his name, we can infer that Willy Lomans life will be a tragedy in the end, like characters of Dream of the Red Chamber. Not his name resulted in Willys tragedy fate, but his inaccurate self-evaluation, incom petent role-player in family, wrong outlooks on values and a victim of the American Dream resulted in his tragedy. 3.1 Willy Lomans inaccurate self-evaluation As a travelling salesman, Willy Loman sells products for Wagner Company by driving around New England. When he was young, he was ambitious and set his mind to provide a good life for his family. He worked diligently and enthusiastically, so that he made good profits. He averaged a hundred and seventy dollars a week in the year of 1928. He built up good relationship and reputation among his clients. He has much confidence about his life and dreamed that one day he would set up his own company. However, thirty-four years later, as he became too old to make profits for the firm, he was fired by his employer relentlessly, regardless of his thirty-four years contribution to the company. But he could not confirm his failure. When he would not sell products and get his commission, he borrowed money from his neighbor Charley and deceived his wife that the money was his commission. He trapped himself in the illusion and memory most his time. Under the pressing realities of his life, he could not endure the overwhelming tensions and commit suicide to earn the insurance money to help Biff become successful. Why Willy Loman lived so afflictingly? One of the reasons is that he can not evaluate himself accurately. Throughout the play, there are many implications that Willys wrong self-evaluation leads to his wrong choice of profession. He failed to find his real self, because he was covered by the illusions and the myths. From ACT ONE, Willy told Charley that, A man who cant handle tools is not a man (Arthur Miller, 1949:44). He can put up the ceiling in the living-room. That is a great piece of work, but Willy managed to do it. He, like his father, can build things with his own hand. However, Willy failed to recognize his abilities. If he could realize his talent and choose the job that can fulfill his talent, instead of being a salesman that way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine (Arthur Miller, 1949:138), Willy might seek both job satisfaction and fortune from his job. Also, he failed to recognize his natural inclinations and instincts. When Biffs decision to seek a business loan raises Willys spirits, and the way in which Willy expresses his optimism is quite revealin g. The first thing Willy thinks about is planting a garden in his yard; he then muses to Linda that they should buy a house in the country, so that he could build guesthouses for Biff and Happy when they have families of their own. These hopeful plans seem to illustrate how ill-suited Willy is to his profession, as it stifles his natural inclinations. His wistful fantasy of living in the forests of Alaska strengthens the implication that he chose the wrong profession. Indeed, the competitive, hyper-capitalist world of sales seems no more appropriate for Willy. He does not seem to like living in an urban setting. He complains that the way they boxed us in here. Bricks and windows, windows and bricks. The street is lined with cars. Theres not a breath of fresh air in the neighborhood. The grass dont grow any more, you cant raise a carrot in the back yard. They shouldve a law against apartment houses (Arthur Miller, 1949:17). From his words, we can infer that Willy is looking forward to living a leisure life, a farm life, not the busy, atwitter and strenuous life in New York. But Willy was unaware of this; he chose to be a salesman that conflicts with his natural inclinations and instincts. At first, his motivation to be a salesman was impure. He chose the job not from his own abilities and interests, but from the admiration for Dave Singleman. If Willy could evaluate himself accurately and respect his own needs, he would live a totally different life from now. He would not commit himself to a pathetic death and meaningless legacy. 3.2 Incompetent Role-player in family Willy is a salesman who struggles for a better life in the cruel society, a husband who has his wifes love and support and a father who lives with his children. It is important to examine the evolution of Willys relationship with his family, as the solid family is one of the most prominent elements of the American Dream. But in the present, Willys relationship with his family is fraught with tension. 3.2.1 A father unfit for his position As a common father, he hopes to win the respect and love of his sons and has great expectation to his two sons. But the cruel reality is that Biff is a pilferer and Happy is a liar. Everything goes against his wishes. The main reason is that Willys improper education to his sons. As a youth, Biff was led to believe that since he was well liked he could get away with anything. He begins to steal: a football from school, lumber for the house, a crate of balls from Bill Oliver. Willy is desperate that Biff should succeed in life, so instead of punishing him, he condones the thefts and makes excuses, neglecting to instill in his son the moral values a parent should teach a child. For instance, when the young Biff stole the football from the school, Willy said, Coachll probably congratulate you on your initiative! à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Thats because he likes you. If somebody else took that ball thered be an uproar (Arthur Miller, 1949:30). This way of education makes Biff lose the ability to recognize the correct moral views. Biff appears successful in high school as a football player, but reaps no benefit from this as he never goes to college. Initially he had planned to retake the math course he needed, but he catches his father with a mistress. After leaving the high school, he did many jobs but all failed. As biff said to Willy, I never got anywhere because you blew me so full of hot air I could never stand taking orders from anybody! Thats whose fault it is! (Arthur Miller, 1949:131) Obviously, again it is Willys improper education that leads to Biffs failure. 3.2.2 A husband disloyal to his wife In Willys reminiscence, there exists a woman, his mistress. Willy has affair with the woman and the affair was discovered by Biff. As a result of this, his belief in the fantasies his father has fed him cannot be maintained. This adultery is an indirect cause that Biff gave up to retake he math course, but evidence that Willy betrayed his wife, Linda. If Willy had had not affair with the woman, Biff might retake the math exam, and then he would go to college and had a promising future. Willy is always untrue to Linda. He tries to play the salesman with her. Every time he over his trip, he inflates his commission, but Linda also his lie. Although she does not buy his pitch to her, she still loves him. She does not measure Willys worth in terms of his professional success. Willy, however, needs more than love, which accepts character flaws, doubts, and insecurityhe seek desperately to be well liked. As such, he ignores the opportunity that Linda presents to him: to view himself more honestly, to acknowledge the reality of his life, and to accept himself for what he is feeling like a failure (Selena Ward, Brendan Greaves, 2003:61). If Willy could be true to Linda and himself, he would not choose to commit suicide. 3.3 Wrong outlooks on values Willy Loman is living in a time when the nature of business itself is undergoing intrinsic changes, partly due to the capitalist pressure to make more money and become more efficient. But he fails to understand the complex and ruthless business community and he still pursue equity and justifiability blindly. So he hugs his outmoded beliefs: Just work hard, be honest and well-liked, you will succeed. However, he is rebuffed in the real life. The reason is that Willys outlooks on values are wrong. His recurring description and memory of Dave Singleman manifest his ideal life in his mind: What could be more satisfying than be able to go, at the age of eighty-four, into twenty or thirty different cities, and pick up a phone, and be remembered and loved and helped by so many different people? and When he diedand by the way he died the death of a salesman, in his green velvet slippers in the smoker of the New York, New Haven and Hartford, going into BostonWhen he died hundreds of salesmen and buyers were at his funeral. Things were sad on a lotta trains for months after that. (Arthur Miller, 1949:81) He speakes of Dave Singleman as a legend and imagines that his death must have been beautifully noble. But he fails to realize the hopeless of Singlemans lonely, on-the-job, on-the-road death. During Singlemans age, there was personality, respect, comradeship and gratitude in it. But in the present day, it is all cut and dried. The time full of light and friendship is long gone. Todays American society has been a concrete jungle. Here the survival law is like the law of the jungle in the animal world in primitive time, even more relentless and ruthless. People are molded to be more indifferent and greedy. They worship money. Money dominatesalmost everything including personality, respect, gratitude and even man, could be evaluated in terms of money. But Willy doesnt realize the shift of the times and values. He still keeps riding on a smile, making friends, exaggerating and hoping being liked so as to make a sale. He adheres to his own principles and wrong values that cost his life i n the end. 3.4 A victim of the American Dream The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States of America in which democratic ideals are perceived as a promise of prosperity for its people. In the American Dream, first expressed by James Truslow Adams in 1931, he states, The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position (James Truslow Adams, 1931) The idea of the American Dream is rooted in the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence wh ich states that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights including Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. (the Declaration of Independence) However, the industrialization of the 19th and 20th centuries began to erode the dream. After World War II, the United States faced profound and irreconcilable domestic tensions and contradictions. Although the war had ostensibly engendered an unprecedented sense of American confidence, and security, the United States became increasingly embroiled in a tense cold war with the Soviet Union. The propagation of myths of a peaceful, homogenous, and nauseatingly gleeful American golden age was tempered by constant anxiety about Communism. (Selena Ward, Brendan Greaves, 2003:3)The government cannot provide the citizen with a fair environment. People feel desperate and lose themselves. They consider their American dream as making a fortune. They pursuit their dreams by centering their lives around material possessions, such as cars, appliances. There are exhausted to keep up with their equally materialistic neighbors. Seemingly, they are rich in materials, but they are in poor spirit. Many American families become the victims of the American Dream. Unfortunately, the Lomans is one of them. In the search of the good life, the Lomans surroud themselves with many things above and beyond the necessities of life. However, these goods are only available at a price, and not everyone in society can afford them. The Lomans try to keep up, with a refrigerator, a vacuum, and a new car, but they find themselves in a constant state of worry that they may be not able to meet all the payments. So when Willy is sixty-three years old, he is still in debt. In Willys life, he has two dreams. One is to set up his own company while the other is his two sons can succeed. But Willys two great dreams come to a totally failure. Because he believes that any well liked and personally attractive man can achieve the dream. And he also passes this belief to his sons. Bernard can get the best marks in school, y understand, but when he gets out in the business world, yunderstand, you are going to be five times ahead of him. Thats why I thank Almighty God youre both built like Adonises. Because the man who makes an personal in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want. (Arthur Miller, 1949:33) His understanding of the qualities of attractiveness and likeability is very superficial. He blindly expects to achieve material, emotional, and even spiritual satisfaction through personal attractiveness and being well liked. He fails to see that Charley and his son are successful because of lifelong hard work and not because of the illusions of social popularity and physical appearances. His blind faith in his stunted version of the American Dream leads to his rapid psychological decline when he is unable to accept the disparity between the ideal dream and his own life. 4. Enlightenment from Willy Lomans fate From the previous analysis, we have a better understanding of Willy Lomans fate. We cannot help showing our sympathy for his downfall. But this tragedy leaves us not only the sigh, but also the deep meditation. We can gain a good deal of enlightenment from his fate. Firstly, we should have a round and accurate evaluation about ourselves. Everyone is unique in the world. We have both merits and demerits. If we can make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages, then we will become more competent and more confidence to deal with the changeable and competitive society. Secondly, our dreams should not go too far away from the reality. It is good to have dreams. Dreams can motive us to work hard to live a better life. In this way, the society can make progress. But our dreams should base on reality. It should be practical to realize the dreams. If the dreams seem impossible to realize, we may feel disappointed and lose confidence when we find the disparity between the dream and our life. Thirdly, we should make a plan that fit ourselves to realize the dream. We should see through the key to success. We should not like Willy Loman think it is well liked. But we can learn from Charley that the key to success is hard work and maintain our morality intact. Fourthly, spiritual wealth is more important than material wealth. In the modern society, material civilization is highly developed while there exists a crisis of mental world of human beings. Money worship and hedonism are prevailing, the view of value is collapsing, and men tend to become the slaver of material desire. So we cannot ignore our spiritual world. In our spare time, we should enrich our spirit world by reading books of real worth and live a worthy life. 5. Conclusion In Death of a salesman, Miller charges America with selling a false myth constructed around a capitalist materialism. And this materialism obscured the personal truth and moral vision of original American Dream described by the countrys founders. Willy Lomans inaccurate self-evaluation, incompetent role-player in family, wrong outlooks on values and being a victim of the American Dream bring about his downfall. His fate reveals the contradiction between material and spirit, reality and dream. Thus it makes the play become one of the best modern tragedies.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Birthday Party by Pinter as a Comedy of Manner :: essays research papers
AS 'COMEDY OF MANNER' Once asked what his plays are about, Pinter lobbed back a phrase "the weasel under the cocktail cabinet", which he regrets has been taken seriously and applied in popular criticism. Despite Pinter's protestations to the contrary, many reviewers and other critics still find that Pinter's "remark", though "facetious"(teasing), is still an apt description of his plays. Now the Phrase "comedy of menace" is often applied to it and suggests that although they are funny, they are also frightening or menacing in a vague and undefined way. Even as they laugh, the audience is unsettled, ill at ease and uncomfortable. Pinter?s own comment clarifies it: "more often than not the speech only seems to be funny - the man in question is actually fighting a battle for his life". (What situations appear funny to us? But in fact for the character concerned is a terrifying experience.) Now the question arises that does Pinter?s work really go in accordance to the ?comedy of manners. A critic says: "Pinter restored theatre to its basic elements: an enclosed space and unpredictable dialogue, where people are at the mercy of each other and pretence crumbles. With a minimum of plot, drama emerges from the power struggle and hide-and-seek of interlocution. Pinter's drama was first perceived as a variation of absurd theatre, but has later more aptly been characterized as 'comedy of menace,' a genre where the writer allows us to eavesdrop (spy) on the play of domination and submission hidden in the most mundane of conversations. In a typical Pinter play we meet people defending themselves against intrusion or their own impulses by establishing themselves in a reduced and controlled existence. Another principal theme is the unpredictability and elusiveness (ambiguity) of the past." The general setting of the play is naturalistic and mundane, involving no menace. However one of Pinter?s greatest skills is his ability to make an apparently normal and trivial object, like a toy drum, appear strange and threatening. Pinter can summon forth an atmosphere of menace from ordinary everyday objects and events, and one way in which this is done is by combining two apparently opposed moods, such as terror and amusement. Another technique that Pinter uses to create an atmosphere of menace is to cast doubt on almost everything in the play. One method of doing this is to have a character give a clear and definite statement and then have him flatly deny it later on.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
• Sex Education Programs: Definitions & Point-by-Point Comparison
Abstinence-Only Education teaches abstinence as the only morally correct option of sexual expression for teenagers. It usually censors information about contraception and condoms for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and unintended pregnancy. Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Education teaches abstinence as the only morally correct option of sexual expression for unmarried young people. Programs funded under the 1996 Welfare Reform Act must censor information about contraception and condoms for the prevention of STDs and unintended pregnancy. Abstinence-Centered Educationâ€â€Another term normally used to mean abstinence-only education. Comprehensive Sex Education teaches about abstinence as the best method for avoiding STDs and unintended pregnancy, but also teaches about condoms and contraception to reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy and of infection with STDs, including HIV. It also teaches interpersonal and communication skills and helps young people explore their own values, goals, and options. Abstinence-Based Educationâ€â€Another term normally used to mean comprehensive sexuality education Abstinence-Plus Educationâ€â€Another term for normally used to mean comprehensive sexuality education. Comprehensive Sex Education Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Education Teaches that sexuality is a natural, normal, healthy part of life Teaches that sexual expression outside of marriage will have harmful social, psychological, and physical consequences Teaches that abstinence from sexual intercourse is the most effective method of preventing unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV Teaches that abstinence from sexual intercourse before marriage is the only acceptable behavior Provides values-based education and offers students the opportunity to explore and define their individual values as well as the values of their families and communities Teaches only one set of values as morally correct for all students Includes a wide variety of sexuality related topics, such as human development, relationships, interpersonal skills, sexual expression, sexual health, and society and culture Limits topics to abstinence-only-until-marriage and to the negative conseque nces of pre-marital sexual activity Includes accurate, factual information on abortion, masturbation, and sexual orientation Usually omits controversial topics such as abortion, masturbation, and sexual orientation Provides positive messages about sexuality and sexual expression, including the benefits of abstinence Often uses fear tactics to promote abstinence and to limit sexual expression Teaches that proper use of latex condoms, along with water-based lubricants, can greatly reduce, but not eliminate, the risk of unintended pregnancy and of infection with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including HIV Discusses condoms only in terms of failure rates; often exaggerates condom failure rates Teaches that consistent use of modern methods of contraception can greatly reduce a couple's risk for unintended pregnancy Provides no information on forms of contraception other than failure rates of condoms Includes accurate medical information about STDs, including HIV; teaches that individuals can avoid STDs Often includes inaccurate medical information and exaggerated statistics regarding STDs, including HIV; suggests that STDs are an inevitable result of premarital sexual behavior Teaches that re ligious values can play an important role in an individual's decisions about sexual expression; offers students the opportunity to explore their own and their family's religious values Often promotes specific religious values Teaches that a woman faced with an unintended pregnancy has options: carrying the pregnancy to term and raising the baby, or carrying the pregnancy to term and placing the baby for adoption, or ending the pregnancy with an abortion Teaches that carrying the pregnancy to term and placing the baby for adoption is the only morally correct option for pregnant teens
Friday, January 3, 2020
Should Year Round School Be A Positive Impact On The Lives...
Does year round school truly have a positive impact in the lives of students? Various studies do suggest that year round school is helpful. There are some disadvantages to this type of schooling that are preventing all schools from switching to this type of scheduling. In earlier times schools were only teaching throughout half of the year so that school would be out of session when it was time to work in the fields. This type of scheduling is still common today even though only a small portion of agriculture is tied into education and kids are no longer required to work. â€Å"In 1994, the National Education Commission on Time and Learning (1994) urged school districts to develop school calendars that acknowledged (a) differences in student learning and (b) the major changes taking place in American society. The report reflected growing concern about how the school calendar relates to students at risk for academic failure†(Cooper, Nye, Charlton, James, Greathouse). As a r esult. many are fighting for year-round school. Year-round school has proven to be beneficial in the lives of students and has lead to greater success in the classroom. Although, there are some downfalls to year-round schooling. â€Å"The U.S. research challenges one of the main arguments for abandoning conventional schedules: year- round schooling improves achievement because it prevents students from falling behind during the summer and because it does not waste precious time reviewing past years’ lessons†Show MoreRelatedHow My School Embraces Good Cultural Practices Essay1421 Words  | 6 Pagescharacterizes school culture as the, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that characterize a school in terms of how people treat and feel about each other; the extent to which people feel included and appreciated, and the rituals and traditions reflecting collaboration and collegiality. 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