Thursday, December 26, 2019
America Is A Nation Of Immigrants - 1561 Words
United States of America is a nation of immigrants. Therefore, our American journey and our achievements merely not be possible without the generations of immigrants who have come to our shores from every corner of the earth. And It is helpful to take a moment to mirror on the important aids by the generations of immigrants who have helped us build our economy, and made America the economic engine of the world. Because some of these Immigrants with there being here in U.S, the economy will be shaking and won’t be where it is now. Examples, of the Immigrants contributions to the American Soil are, the Immigrants help to create jobs, the Immigrants help to increase the nation’s capacity towards developing new ideas, and the Immigrants†¦show more content†¦2- Anti-Immigrant leaders, believe that Immigrants abuse the welfare state, the reason they said this is because most legal immigrants don’t have access to means-tested welfare during their first five yea rs unless with limited exceptions and Immigrants unauthorized don’t have access rather except with emergency Medicaid. Therefore, Immigrants are more less likely to use the means-tested welfare that is alike to the native-born Americans. But when they finally do use welfare, the value of dollar benefits consumed or used tend to be smaller. Whereas, if a poor native-born American used Medicaid at the same rate and consumed or used the same value of benefits as poor immigrants, will cause the program to be 42% smaller. In addition, Immigrants tend to make a great large net of contribution to Medicare and social security, especially to the largest portion of the welfare state, reason because of their ages, ineligibility and their greater likelihood of retirement in their various countries. 3- Anti-Immigrant leaders, believed and argued that Immigrants are crime inclined or prone, however this myth has been lingering over the years but was true as of 1896, 1909, 1931, 1994 as well as recent dates. Immigrants however are less likely to face imprisonment over violate and property crimes, reason because some cities where moreShow MoreRelatedAmerica as a Nation of Immigrants Essay1787 Words  | 8 PagesAmerica as a Nation of Immigrants America has, is, and will always be a nation of immigrants: the great melting pot. In the years that have passed since Emma Lazarus poem was inscribed on the Statue of Liberty the golden door Americans have seen times when the door was open wide and times when it was close shut to most immigrants (Sure 4). Many people look at the present immigration problems as a purely modern dilemma. The truth is America has always struggled with the issue of immigrationRead MoreAmerica Is A Nation Full Of Immigrants1840 Words  | 8 PagesAmerica is generally a nation full of immigrants. The biggest beckon of immigrants was witnessed in the nineteenth century (Maestro and Ryan 11).The immigrants mainly consist of refugees from problematic areas all over the word. They have contributed a great deal to the rich structure of life of the American population. Many immigrants come to America in search of greener pastures. It is called â€Å"the land of the free.†The immigrants carry great e xpectations with them as they come to America but areRead MoreAmerica Is A Nation That Created By Settlers And Immigrants948 Words  | 4 Pagescountry for numerous reasons. America is a nation that was created by settlers and immigrants; it boasts an inherently diverse assemblage of citizens, unlike many other countries in the world. It’s a country that was built by people with a distinct set of values that honor an individual’s â€Å"God-given†rights; a set of values that further shaped how the world came to understand and view humanity. Admittedly, what I’ve come to learn about America feels fairly distant, as America has grown and changed throughoutRead MoreA Nation Of Immigrants And The United States Of America2299 Words  | 10 PagesA NATION OF IMMIGRANTS The Ways that Immigration has Shaped and Benefited the United States of America Scott Williams US History Plato Unit Activity Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free... -- Emma Lazarus (from the poem The New Colossus) These words by Emma Lazarus, inscribed on a plaque on the Statue of Liberty, strike a chord of yearning for freedom in the minds of suffering yet hopeful people, and invoke a picture of the United States meeting the immigrantRead More America Is A Nation of Immigrants Essay2105 Words  | 9 Pagessee that immigration is beneficial to our country and should not be abandoned. Instead, it should be increased. Approximately 800,000 immigrants enter the United States each year. Of this number, 480,000 of them are family sponsored, meaning that they are immediate relatives to American citizens, such as a spouse, child, or sibling. Employment-based immigrants total 140,000 each year. This means that they are, â€Å"skilled professionals with exceptional ability and other priority workers, immigratingRead MoreHow Can America Become A Better Immigrant Nation?1245 Words  | 5 PagesHow Can America Become a Better Immigrant Nation Again? It has become evident to many that the American economy is declining in recent years. Journalists are pointing out that one of the reasons why it got weaker is due to a failed immigration system and outdated policies towards illegal immigrants. For instance, Fareed Zakaria from Time magazine says, although America was once considered an example to many other immigrant nations, it is now falling behind some of them in terms of immigration-relatedRead MoreThe Land Of Opportunity : Immigrants1509 Words  | 7 PagesThe Land of Opportunity Immigrants created America, a nation that has embraced immigration. Throughout the years, America developed its â€Å"American Dream†concept, which states that anyone can succeed in the United States as long as that person works hard and does gives up. That concept, hope or dream attracts thousands of individuals, many of which leave their native countries with their hearth full of hope and the illusion of reaching and living the â€Å"American Dream.†However, the wonderful dreamRead MoreImmigration : An Influential Aspect Of American History1172 Words  | 5 Pagesbeginnings of the nation in the seventeenth century to the present day, millions of people, from a variety of different and distinct nations and cultures, made the great journey to the United States to pursue greater economic and social opportunities. Immigration has been an influential aspect of American history. These immigrants have enhanced and contributed greatly to the fabric and the story of Amer ica. They have brought with them diversity and aspects of their cultures that made America the great meltingRead MoreImmigration, The Land Of Opportunity For People1478 Words  | 6 Pagesimmigration has shaped America into who she is today. July 4, 1776, was the day immigrants first stepped onto North American soil and claimed the land as theirs. The impact of migration on a country this big can’t be ignored, especially because the people coming to live in America are usually from Third World countries and are looking for employment and to be shown a better way a life. Like anything else, there are both huge pros and cons to Third World immigration. Once, America was known as the landRead MoreThe Official Definition Of Illegal Is â€Å"Contrary To Or Forbidden1517 Words  | 7 Pagesis â€Å"contrary to or forbidden by law†. The definition of an Immigrant is â€Å"an individual who comes to live permanently in a foreign country†. Therefore Illegal Immig rants are foreigners who enter another country, the United States of America, without a Visa. They cross the border by avoiding inspection and overstay the allotted period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson. There are 12 million illegal immigrants in America today. How is the possible if it is illegal? And more importantly
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Review of Research Paper on Metastasis of Cancerous Tumors
Introduction Early diagnosis provides the best hope many have in beating cancer. Unfortunately, this is not the end of the fight for many cancer patients. Primary tumors may be successfully treated early, only to later discover they have metastasized to other areas of the body. The common medical definition of metastasis is: The spread of cancer from one part of the body to another. Tumors formed from cells that have spread are called â€Å"secondary tumors†and contain cells that are like those in the original (primary) tumor. This definition could be the reason why early treatment of a primary tumor is ineffective against metastatic tumor cells. As the definition suggests, the accepted model†¦show more content†¦Of these test were the PCR, CGH, LOH, and genomic loci probability evaluation test. From these experiments, a conclusion was then formed about whether cancer cells differentiated before metastasis. Listed below are the procedures in detail. These are the procedures/ techniques performed: *Tumor Cell Detection and Sample Preparation: -386 breast cancer patients had bone marrow aspirated. :Of patients with no signs of metastasis who had samples drawn: -44% drawn before surgery -39% in next month -17% 1month to 10 years after surgery of primary tumor -Bone marrow suspensions. -Staining, tumor cell isolation, comparative genomic hybridization -Micro dissection of primary tumor, tissue preparation -PCR and CGH of isolated DNA Samples were drawn to perform the PCR and CGH tests for isolated DNA: *Loss of Heterozygosity Analysis(LOH): -Analysis of primary PCR and micro dissected tumors and single cells -Addition of microsatellite markers and primers to DNA -Scanning of Polyacrylamide gels by FluorImager *BioInformatic Evaluation: -46 genomic loci features selected and ranked according to information status -defined the presence of clinically evident metastatic targets -built classifier that assigns each cell its probability of being isolated from M1 patients, based on clinical variables of the primary tumor and genomic loci of isolated tumor cell. :Genomic Loci were selected to identify and differentiate cells. ByShow MoreRelatedLung Cancer : The Highest Mortality Rate1688 Words  | 7 PagesAccording to a paper published by the Center for Diseases and Control, Lung Cancer has the highest mortality rate in the US than any other cancer type. In 2011, about 156,953 people died from the disease as about 207,000 cases of ailing lung cancer patients were diagnosed that year. This number is set to see an increase over the years if adequate care in research is not given .Song described Lung cancer, as Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) and Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) with the former beingRead MoreThe Use Of Breath Testing On The Management Of Cancer Patients1635 Words  | 7 PagesWith the ceaseless quest in health research for improved outcomes in the management of cancer patients, novel approaches to screening, diagnosis, and treatment are highly sought after. In particular, effective and relatively low cost screening tests may play an invaluable role in reducing patient mortality resulting from diagnosis early in the disease process which is crucial for proactive measures and successful therapy. However, it is critical to remain mindful of the risk of harm related to falseRead MoreThe s Innate Immunity Of A Patient2180 Words  | 9 PagesTLR-9 plays a pivotal role in a host’s inborn and adaptive immunity. The latest research into boosting the innate immunity of a patient has caused the introduction of TLRs treatment to manage cancerous cells (Coussens Werb, 2013). The mice breast cell line seasoned for breast cancer was found to express TLR-9 at both the protein and the mRNA levels. It is evident that TLR-9 signaling and pathways directly inhibit tumor growth or improve immunotherapy in patients suffering from prostate cancer. TheRead MoreModule Quizzes Essay14245 Words  | 57 Pages Comparator will turn on the controlled Where should you go to find updates on the course? Announcements in Bioespresso Where should you go to access your readings and assignments? Where do you submit your extra credit paper? Dr. Pozo’s office A student athlete presents Dr. Pozos with documentation that he had an school-sponsored athletic event and was unable to complete the module. Dr. Pozos opens the emodule for the student and the student forgets to take the emodule
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Audit and Assurance for Books of Accounts-
Question: Discuss about theAudit and Assurance for Books of Accounts and Documents. Answer: Introduction: Audit refers to the systematic and independent investigation of books of accounts, statutory records, documents and vouchers of an entity in order to determine how far the financial statements along with the non-financial disclosure reflect a true and fair view of the company (Mock, Ragothaman and Srivastava 2018). Auditing attempts to make sure that books of accounts are appropriately maintained by the entity under the compliance of law. The study is based on understanding the role of international ethics standard board for accountants to determine whether the auditor is affected by objectivity and independence. The study requires assessing the situations and providing safeguard measures to make sure that the principles of objectivity are followed. Role of international ethics standard board for accountants: The IESBA is regarded as the independent standard setting board that develops and issues in the interest of public. The board sets high quality ethical standards with other pronouncements for the professional accountants across the world (William, Glover and Prawitt 2016). The IESBA through its activities creates the code of ethics for professional accounts that creates ethical requirements for the professional accountants. The procedures and structures supporting the operations of IESBA are facilitated by the IFAC. IESBA plays an important role for accounts which are discussed below; IESBA establishes the ethical accounting standard for the professional accountants by taking inputs that are assembled in the public interest and uses the gathered data in formulating standard that can be applied universally (Arens et al. 2016). The role of IESBA is making contributions in the accounting profession by introducing ethical standards that stimulates accountants to act ethically and with integrity in discharge of their duties. IESBA plays an important role in reinforcing the public interest by motivating more trustworthy and accountable organizations. IESBA helps in protecting the stakeholders together with the common public from the considerable damage that might arise from breach of regulations and laws. The functions performed by the IESBA are stated below The IESBA executes the functions of maintaining the ethical requirements that is necessary in accounting environment by the professionals (Leung et al. 2014). The IESBA board lay down different standards for fighting the problems that are associated with the different ethical problems faced by the accounting professionals across the globe. Another important guidance of IESBA is issuing guidance that are related with the quality performance that can result in complete expansion of the business. The IESBA major functions includes developing principle based definition to enable the accountants across the world to adhere with the major ethical requirements such as integrity, objectivity, competency and due diligence and professional ethical behaviour. Factors influencing principles of objectivity: The definition of objectivity defines that auditing decision must not be influenced because of the undue influences from the management, conflict of interest and associated parties (Zhou, Simnett and Hoang 2016). The auditor is not required to be biased and the opinion stated by auditor must be free from the external influence. There are factors that create an influence on the factors of principle of objectivity and numerous safeguards measures for the medium size firms. Situation 1: Unwarranted financial reliant on client: A circumstances of unwarranted financial reliance on the client originates when the periodic revenue is derived by the auditor from the services that are offered to the customer does not goes past ten per cent of the auditor income. On noticing that if the auditor has obtained in excess of ten per cent of the periodic income from the customer then it results in financial reliance of auditor on client. Auditors Threat: As evident from the situation the financial dependence of the audit on the part of client is high and as a result of this the objectivity principle of auditor is jeopardize. The audit report issued by the auditor might be impaired and may hold the opinion that the fee derived from the client may not be earned if the auditor hold a qualified opinion (Gunin-Paracini, Malsch and Paill 2014). Therefore, the overall opinion of auditor may be bias. Probable Consequences: An important consequences of undue influence of financial nature for auditor can result in violation of objectivity that is regarded as one of the fundamental purpose of audit (Chan and Vasarhelyi 2018). The judgement of auditor might be influenced by the fees paid by the client that impacts the opinion of auditor and the overall procedure. Recommendations: Since the fee income is in excess of 10% the auditor is recommended from conducting auditing related work as the opinion of auditor will be bias because of unwarranted reliance on client. An internal quality control can be implemented to make sure that the opinion of auditor is free from any biasness. Situation 2: Financial Interest in the audit Client: Financial interest is usually owned by the partners through financial interest of intermediaries (Abbott et al. 2016). This results in influence in the opinion of auditor since the auditor holds financial interest in client company. Auditors Threat: The main threat related to auditor is associated to auditors judgement since the opinion of the auditor is surrounded by the financial interest in the clients firm (Sarens, Lenz and Decaux 2016). Consequently, the auditors opinion will be surrounded by biasness which will lack clear judgement from the auditor and may significantly result in audit risk. Consequences: The potential consequences from the above threat is that having an interest in the client firm will enable the auditor to ignore the elements of bookkeeping and may affect the materiality of financial transactions. Therefore, the auditors opinion on the client firm will be not be clear. Recommendations: A recommendation can be provided by stating that the auditor at the initial instance must discard the audit indulgence on the circumstances when it is noticed that the financial interest can obstruct the auditors opinion according to the Irelands provision of audit. Situation 3: Auditors indulgence in Family Ties or close relation among staff, partner or firm: The situation highlights the situation where the auditor has close indulgence in clients Family Ties or close relation among staff, partner or firm. Therefore, this may create an influence on the opinion of auditor while conducting audit. Auditors Threats: Auditors indulgence in Family Ties or close relation among staff, partner or firm give rise to the threat of material misstatement or omission of relevant information from the financial statements (Lan 2014). Additional threats such as self-interest and fundamental principle of auditor dependent may be jeopardized. Consequences: Probable consequences such as hindering the process of audit and bias opinion of the auditor may materially affect the overall procedure in the client firm. The probable threat of self-interest and may fundamentally jeopardize the auditors dependence by significantly contributing in materiality misstatement. The financial statement may not provide a true and fair view of the organization. Recommendations: A recommendation can be provided in this instance is that can be provided by stating that auditor should not engage in the audit of those clients with whom the auditor has close or personal relationship. Additionally, the client company in apply the internal control policies that would hold the auditors independence and keep the functions of audit distinct from clients influence. Situation 4: Non-Audit services to client: Non-audit service represents those services that does not has association with business. Auditors Threat: The non-audit service of auditor can result in the threat of self-interest and familiarity. There is also the self-review threat that originates when the auditor conducts the audit of clients books of accounts and reviews the same himself by providing non-audit service. Consequences: The non-audit service give rise to the consequences of manipulation of books of accounts and unwarranted self-interest in the audit (Mishra and Malhotra 2016). Consequently, the self-review of books of accounts in the clients firm will make the audit procedure ineffective since the auditor would not be disclosing the errors arising out of audit committed intentionally or unintentionally. Recommendations: In such a situation the client firm is recommended to appoint an independent auditor that does not have audit indulgence in the clients business. To ensure the quality of the firms audit is not jeopardized and the books of account provides a true and fair view. Situation 5: The firm has been the external auditor form firm for several years: A nature of familiarity is developed among the client and the auditor when the audit engagement is renewed for several years. Auditors Threat: The primary threat to auditor is the sense of familiarity among the client and the auditor may violate the principle of independence that ultimately deteriorates the audit procedure (He et al. 2017). Consequences: The external auditors engagement in client business for several years can result in development of familiarity in the audit procedure that can result in material misstatement in the financial reports. Recommendations: A recommendation can be provided by stating that client must change the auditor following the conclusion of audit procedure to eliminate the auditors familiarity with the firm. Conclusion: On a conclusive note, the analysis provides that work of audit must not be influenced from unwarranted situations, self-interest, family associations. The auditor is required to maintain the overall quality of audit by making sure that the books of accounts represents the true and fair view of the firm financial position. Reference List: Abbott, L.J., Daugherty, B., Parker, S. and Peters, G.F., 2016. Internal audit quality and financial reporting quality: The joint importance of independence and competence.Journal of Accounting Research,54(1), pp.3-40. Arens, A.A., Elder, R.J., Beasley, M.S. and Hogan, C.E., 2016.Auditing and assurance services. Pearson. Chan, D.Y. and Vasarhelyi, M.A., 2018. Innovation and practice of continuous auditing. InContinuous Auditing: Theory and Application(pp. 271-283). Emerald Publishing Limited. Gunin-Paracini, H., Malsch, B. and Paill, A.M., 2014. Fear and risk in the audit process.Accounting, Organizations and Society,39(4), pp.264-288. He, X., Pittman, J.A., Rui, O.M. and Wu, D., 2017. Do social ties between external auditors and audit committee members affect audit quality?.The Accounting Review,92(5), pp.61-87. Lan, P.T., 2014.The Effectiveness of Internal and External Auditors in Their Corporate Governance Monitoring Role: The Case Studies: The Roles of Internal and External Auditors in Corporate Governance Et Monitoring of the Vietnam Economic Corporations(Doctoral dissertation). Leung, P., Coram, P., Cooper, B.J. and Richardson, P., 2014.Modern Auditing and Assurance Services 6e. Wiley. Mishra, M. and Malhotra, A.K., 2016. Significance of Audit Committee Roles in India: A Study of Auditors Perception Using Analytic Hierarchy Process.Journal Accounting Business and Management-International,23(2), pp.13-20. Mock, T.J., Ragothaman, S. and Srivastava, R.P., 2018. Using Evidential Reasoning Technology to Enhance the Audit Quality Assurance Inspection Process.Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting. Sarens, G., Lenz, R. and Decaux, L., 2016. Insights into self-images of internal auditors.EDPACS,54(4), pp.1-18. William Jr, M., Glover, S. and Prawitt, D., 2016.Auditing and assurance services: A systematic approach. McGraw-Hill Education. Zhou, S., Simnett, R. and Hoang, H., 2016. Combined assurance as a new assurance approach: is it beneficial to analysts. In26th Audit and Assurance conference-Thursday 5 May 2016.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Review on relationships in pride and prejudice free essay sample
What is Austens version of love? What is the difference between the three young love relationships: Elizabeth and Darcy, Bingley and Jane, and Lydia and Wickham? We will go trough a review and a summery of the marriages that took place in the story. Jane Austen’s view of love goes back to her own experiences in life , when I read a summery of her biography I understood that she had some ending relationships ,which later helped her and showed them self in her romance novels , to make her love stories more realistic , also the period of time that she lived in most be considered , she was living in a period of time that wealth of a man would play an important role in finding love , and wealth has an important role as until this very day. The relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy: Elizabeth was the youngest girl in the family who had an interest in reading books and playing piano among all of these she was quite beautiful , on the other hand Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Review on relationships in pride and prejudice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Darcy was a well educated and wealthy man from a big city with high qualities , their relationship began when at first Darcy turned down Elizabeth’s hand in the ball and did not admire her at all and later on in the second ball Elizabeth did not show any intention for Mr.Darcy while she was introduced to him, at this time Darcy literally started feeling an itch in his heart. When Jane and Bingley’s relationship got more intense Elizabeth and Darcy saw each other more often and started teasing each other which in this case Elizabeth was a head above Darcy, Elizabeth though that Mr. Darcy is a proud man who doesn’t show any intention in getting involved in any social activities , but all these ideas vanished when she understood his true personality and his true intention of doing the things he did , their love was a slow formation love taking place step by step into knowing each others personality thus it would be stabilized . Bingley and Jane’s relationship was in my opinion , a love in the first sight it started in the first ball when Mr. Bingley danced twice with Jane that showed his passion toward Jane because she was the only girl in the ball that Mr. Bingley danced twice with, and they shared smiles and had a happy time together, until later on that Jane was invited to Netherfield and her mother did not give her the carriage to go with in hope that she would get sick because of the rain and would stay there for a few days and hope that Mr. Bingley would fall in love with her , and the same happened. After Janes week long stay in Netherfield the second ball took place in which many tought that Mr. Bingley would propose to Jane for marriage including Jane, Mrs. Bennet and Elizabeth , but such thing did not happen, not long after the second ball the Bingley family moves to London for business, after a while miss. Bingley sends a letter to jane informing her that they would not come back to Netherfield , we know all these happened because Mr. Darcy did not think that Jane would suit Mr. Bingley therefore he departed him to London. After some time in which may actions took place such as : Jane going to London and not meeting Mr. Bingley and Mr. Bingley didn’t know about her presence in London finally a new development takes place which I call it a fulfillment of hope , when Mr. Bingley returns to Netherfield Park and pays a visit to the Bennet family in the company of Mr. Darcy, then he asks Jane if she would marry him and Jane replies : â€Å" yes a thousand yes â€Å". Now we get to Lydia and wickham , in this very case lydia is a very easy girl to get and since she has a very great love for the soldiers , and wickham was in the army , it was easy for wickham to dodge Lydia to run away with him and live togheter without being married , this was a big shame on Bennet family whereas in that period of time kissing a man was a great guilt and Lydia running away with wickham would damage bennet family’s reputations and her sisters too, because then nobody would marry her sisters , until that Mr. Darcy found them and actually paid Wickham and pay off his debts, He also helped him get a new commission in the regular army which he could not do on his own. Mr. Darcy by arranging a marriage for Wickham to marry Lydia, preserved not only her reputation but also her sisters reputations. He removed the disgrace from Bennet’s name and this way he also had to spend time with a man who he justly detested.
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